Andrew Margenot

S-324 Turner Hall


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Associate Director; Associate Professor of Crop Sciences

Research Focus: Soil Science, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Soil fertility in East Africa, Urban agriculture, Phosphorus, Soil organic matter and enzymes

Biography: Dr. Margenot is an AssociateProfessor in the Department of Crop Sciences. He currently serve as the Associate Director for Agroecosystem Sustainability Center and the Senior Associate Editor for Geoderma. He got his Ph.D. at University of California Davis and was a postdoc there before he joined UIUC at 2017. 

Mission Statement: Dr. Margenot addresses the literal foundation of all cropping systems: soils. He advances how we monitor and manage soils as natural capital. His research team evaluates how human activities can enhance or compromise soil services to human societies, with an emphasis on food security from urban and rural agroecosystems in the U.S. Midwest and East Africa.