Sheng Wang
W-417, Turner Hall
Research Scientist, Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE); Research Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES)
Research Focus: Remote Sensing, Precision Agriculture, Environmental Sustainability, Ecohydrology, Machine Learning, Imaging Spectroscopy
Biography: Dr. Sheng Wang is a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES) and a Research Scientist at the Agroecosystem Sustainability Center (ASC), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He got his PhD degree from Technical University of Denmark before he joined UIUC in Feb 2019. He leads the airborne sensing research team at ASC with Dr. Kaiyu Guan. He has published 30+ papers in top scientific journals, and serves as PI or Co-PI for federal, state and university grants.
Mission Statement: Dr. Wang’s research develops novel ground-airborne-satellite cross-scale sensing technology with process-based models and data-driven algorithms to quantify crop traits, soil properties and farming practices. His research aims to advance the understanding of key ecohydrological processes across spatial and temporal scales in agroecosystems. He also provides stakeholders accurate, timely and actionable data to improve agroecosystem management for food security and environmental sustainability.