News / Center News / April 10, 2024

ASC Associate Director Andrew Margenot gives keynote at The Fertilizer Institute Research Forum

Agroecosystems Sustainability Center Associate Director Andrew Margenot gave the keynote address at The Fertilizer Institute Research Forum on March 19 in Dallas, Texas.

Credit: Robertson & Saad 2021 JAWRA 57(3): 406

Agroecosystems Sustainability Center Associate Director Andrew Margenot gave the keynote address at The Fertilizer Institute Research Forum on March 19 in Dallas, Texas. Margenot’s address was titled Non-point source – and non fertilizer?  – nutrient losses: the case of phosphorus. 

Margenot reviewed evidence that current nutrient loss reduction strategies do not discriminate among non-point sources of nutrient losses, which include but are not limited to agriculture. Specifically, he noted that only a small percentage of streambank phosphorus erosion is recorded, yet it likely accounts for a much more significant amount of the sediment exported through the river system in the Midwest. Therefore, much of the streambank derived-P may not have been correctly attributed.  
He also points out that both legacy and residual phosphorus – a distinction he recently proposed in Environment Science & Technology – should be considered when evaluating the source for phosphorus in the streams and rivers. Lag effects of P losses from legacy and residual P sources can decouple P losses measured today from contemporary fertilizer usage. A current ASC project on this topic is funded by Illinois NREC, and recently reviewed by Margenot at the annual Illinois NREC meeting

About the Agroecosystem Sustainability Center (ASC): The Agroecosystem Sustainability Center was founded in 2021 to lead global efforts in harmonizing sustainable food production with thriving ecosystems. The Center strives to revolutionize agricultural systems through research, collaboration, and engagement, bridging science and practice for agricultural productivity and ecosystem sustainability. Centered in the heart of Midwest on the campus of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign under the umbrella of both the College of Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences (ACES) and the Institute of Sustainability, Energy, and the Environment (iSEE), ASC is positioned at the critical intersection of academia, industry, policy, and on-the-ground practice. ASC is creating a diverse and dynamic hub for driving change and is committed to transforming its research into practical and scalable solutions, fortifying our ecosystems, bolstering farm profitability, and empowering agricultural systems to proactively mitigate and adapt to the realities of climate change.

Media Contact: Mike Koon, ASC Communication Lead (