Research Themes
Core Faculty and Researchers
Kaiyu Guan, Shenlong Wang, Evan DeLucia, Lisa Ainsworth, Jonathan Coppess, Bin Peng, Sheng Wang
Representative Projects
3D reconstruction of plants and farmlands

Modeling the agroecosystem sustainability of the future US Midwest (funded by NSF)

This project aims to answer the following grand questions: could the U.S. Midwest remain as the global food basket in the next 100 years? How can we ensure co-sustainability of food production and environmental quality in this landscape? Carbon (e.g. crop growth), hydrology (both water quantity and quality), and nutrient cycles in the U.S. Midwest are closely intertwined from the field/headwater scale to the whole river network and continental scales. Human activities and practices do not singly affect one component, but the whole interconnections. Their complex feedbacks and non-linear interactions require a “system” view when assessing the U.S. Midwest landscape and potential adaptations. This project adopts a “system” view to holistically model and quantify the coupled “food-water-nutrient nexus” for the U.S. Midwest agroecosystems, aiming to significantly advance the process-based understanding and predictability of this agroecosystem, with two management practices (i.e. controlled drainage, and nutrient management) and under future climate conditions.